Home Remedies For Depression

Depression is a frame of mind distinguished by sense of gloominess and hopelessness, with the dispirited lack of activity. The medical field of psychology and psychiatry recognizes depression as a state of low mood and disinclination towards activity. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, defines the depressed person as the one experiencing sadness, … Read more

Causes and Symptoms of Influenza

Influenza or Flu is a common respiratory viral infection mostly occurring in the bronchi, nose, throat, or even the lungs. This highly contagious viral infection is usually spread through airborne transmission. It generally lasts for about one or two weeks and then subsides even without any treatment. Influenza and Common cold are often confused with … Read more

Home Remedies For Allergies

Allergies can be defined as disorderliness of the immune system, also referred to as atopy. The various environmental harmless substances, which cause allergies, are called allergens. Normally, these substances are harmless in nature, and don’t cause any kind of reaction on human body. But, when the allergic person confronts it, the allergic body releases some … Read more