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Weight loss is the solution for weight gain.  However, this sensitive topic has to be approached with an inside-out approach rather than outside in approach to tackling it effectively.  Most importantly, one has to understand weight gain depends on the body constitution and the make of the musculature of the body.  Various factors lead to weight loss. 


1. Identify the Root Cause


Identifying the most likely reason for your weight gain is the first exercise towards effective weight. The reasons could be a psychological or excessive focus on certain fattening emulsifying foods (excessive sugar intake, chocolates, sweets, red meat, and so forth)  Once you complete this exercise of identifying the most likely cause of your weight gain; you have succeeded in finding the right remedy for your body constitution. 

2. Start with Walking


Walking is the next best thing to do if you cannot identify the reason for your weight gain. However, once you identify your reason for weight gain, walking is the next best logical thing to do as you do not need any external device or person to guide you to walk.

3. Jogging


Once yourself get into the manner of walking, you can gradually add little bit time light jogging to loosen up all the fat in your system.

4. Build Strength and Endurance

push ups

Once you achieve the first 3 points, then you are well on your way to reducing weight as your consciousness level about weight loss has improved as you have succeeded in adding a little bit of jogging to your walking routine. Now add some push ups, squatting exercise, and so forth.

5. Gym Workouts


Join a gym perhaps thrice a week schedule for light workouts with weights and so forth. to get your fat burning.

6. Cycle Your Way to Fitness


Cycling is another method which you can do not only to strengthen your quadriceps muscle but burn your calories. Try cycling to work if your workplace or school/college is nearby.  Attempt to cycle in your neighborhood when you go out to buy groceries or just pedal for a few miles at least twice a week.

7. Dive into Swimming


Swimming on weekends perhaps for an hour is another calorie burner to reduce fat and improve the muscle tone of your body.

8. Playful Fitness


Playing some physical games in the neighborhood like say badminton, bowling, etc., will give the necessary impetus to burn the fat faster in your system.

Above all these exercises listed is the willpower to implement it and stick to it no matter what because the LIFE is yours, life it RIGHT and keep your weight LIGHT should be your mantra ultimately to achieve your goal.  Losing weight is certainly a goal oriented approach and keep realistic expectations of your weight loss as it sometimes takes longer than expected to achieve what we set out do because sometimes we realize it is our big EGO that is coming in the way we think.  Once you bring this hidden enemy called EGO under your control, perhaps everything becomes acceptable and possible.  Happy exercising and losing weight !!!


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