Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a native of Southern Africa and is now cultivated in almost all countries with temperate or tropical climate. This has a thick and hard rind, with the fleshy center. Watermelons have high amounts of water, that makes them very refreshing, particularly in summer. They have no fats and have less amounts of calories … Read more

Home Remedies for Cystitis

Cystitis is inflammation Woman holds her stomach due to interstitial cystitis painof the bladder. Among the most common cystitis causes is bacterial infection. In this condition one often gets UTI (Urinary Tract Infections). With cystitis, you may experience painful urination, urge to urinate, cloudy and foul smelling urine. Natural Home Remedies for Cystitis Take barley … Read more

Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Cracked heels also termedCracked heels are caused mostly due to carelessness medically as heel fissures. In this condition your heels suffer from flaky skin that can peel and you may also experience itchiness and pain. The causes of cracked heels include skin disease and health conditions such as athlete’s foot, eczema, diabetic neuropathy, air conditioning, … Read more