Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a native of Southern Africa and is now cultivated in almost all countries with temperate or tropical climate. This has a thick and hard rind, with the fleshy center. Watermelons have high amounts of water, that makes them very refreshing, particularly in summer. They have no fats and have less amounts of calories … Read more

Home Remedies for Edema

Edema, also called dropsy Causes of edema include more salt consumption and medicine reactionsis fluid retention that causes pronounced swelling in your body. This swelling can occur in the between cells and tissues or in the circulatory system of your body. Edema commonly affects your feet, legs, ankles, hands and face. Although edema can affect … Read more

Natural Remedies To Lose Weight

No one wants to be overweight. It is really a matter of concern when we start to become overweight. Obesity does not only gear up other diseases, it also spoils the natural beauty of people and hampers their over-all appearance. It makes people look ugly and aged. For these reason depression is another side effects … Read more