Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Lengthening of the skin more than its capacity causes the elastic tissues stop working thereby causing stretch marks. Human body is elastic in nature. Because of fat deposition in the body there are changes in the sizes of human bodies. There can be many side effects of this elasticity. Stretch Marks are one of the … Read more

Natural Cures For Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are open sores that appear on the inside of the lips, cheeks, or other parts of the mouth. They may result from trauma caused by excessively vigorous tooth brushing, chewing on foods with hard edges (nuts, pretzels, etc.), eating hot foods, wearing ill fitting dentures, or lip biting. They can also be triggered … Read more

Common Conditions Leading To Abdominal Discomfort

Abdominal discomfort is a condition that most people encounter from time to time. The event happens depending on the causes usually affecting the stomach. There are actually various precursors to this disturbing experience. The most basic evolve around typical physical conditions such as diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. When one experiences any of these states, it … Read more

Top Ten Tips to Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation goes beyond problems with your muscles and other connective tissues. You may be surprised to know that inflammation is also linked to obesity, cardiovascular problems, ageing, arthritis, cancer and other serious health complications. Above all, chronic inflammation, is also one of the most threatening problems present and hence can be termed as a “secret … Read more

Benefits and Side Effects of Laser Skin Therapy

These days, skin problems and aging have become major concerns for many individuals. Wrinkles, pimples, scars and acne are some of the skin problems. As a result, these people have planned to undergo cosmetic treatments. Most health clinics have come up with a variety of solutions to provide their patients’ demands including, plastic surgery, creams … Read more

Top Ten Tips For Reducing Stress

Being stressed impacts on your health and wellbeing. It also impacts on your dental health increasing your risk of dental decay, gum disease, mouth ulcers, clenching and grinding, facial pain, cold sores and poor oral hygiene. A holistic approach deals with the underlying cause of a problem as well as the symptoms that result. When … Read more

Yoga Health Benefits For Women

There are several people who practice yoga regularly as it is a therapy for one’s mind and body. It has been developed in India and since its origin it has gained a lot of prominence worldwide. Yoga is all about three major things including relaxation, meditation and physical postures. One can even work on his … Read more