How to Get Rid of a Puffy Face

A puffy face or facial puffiness is medically known as facial edema. It is usually caused by water retention, which in turn, is caused by inadequate fluid intake, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and high salt diet. In addition, reactions to certain drugs corticosteroids, aspirin, glucocorticoids, diuretics, asthma medication, etc. and general obesity can also lead … Read more

Seven Ways to Wipe Eye Wrinkles

Because the skin around the eye is very thin and is always the first to begin to show wrinkles, eye wrinkles can appear at almost any age. They will also appear more quickly if a person has a substantial amount of sun damage (sun worshippers beware!). Prevention Of Dreaded Eye Wrinkles Old Sol Gifts You … Read more

How To Get Rid of Rash

There are many urban myths surrounding lots of amazing things, including the cure for the common rash.  While some remedies may prove to be temporarily effective, many of them are just “old wives’ tales” that may sound good, but won’t cure much of anything! With all the information out there on the web, from your … Read more