The First Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is a common disease that many people around the world will. Uncontrolled diabetes is a chronic, because it will lead to a major source of death and disability throughout the body, many different organizations and damage to the organ system. As time passes, it will lead to a vascular disease can lead to heart … Read more

Top Ten Tips For Reducing Stress

Being stressed impacts on your health and wellbeing. It also impacts on your dental health increasing your risk of dental decay, gum disease, mouth ulcers, clenching and grinding, facial pain, cold sores and poor oral hygiene. A holistic approach deals with the underlying cause of a problem as well as the symptoms that result. When … Read more

Home Remedies for Common Cold

At sometime or another, every one of us succumbs to the common cold. The bravest and the strongest are virtues that matter not to these viruses as they set about reducing us to coughing, sneezing shadows of our former selves. Research has shown that the external wintry environment of November, December and January, leaves us … Read more

Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be caused due to infection, side effects of antibiotics and many other factors. Diarrhea can be mild to severe and depending on the condition of the patient, remedy is prescribed. Although you have many medicines that will immediately show its effect, they have their side effects that are unavoidable. Severe diarrhea can cause … Read more

Home Remedies of Sore Throat

Sore throat occurs commonly in children between the age group of 5 and 15. But it also affects older people. However, sore throat needs to be treated as soon as possible so that to avoid further infection like tonsillitis, sinus, fever and rashes, ear infection and if the infection is severe, it can also affect … Read more