Health Benefits for Vrikshasana Tree Pose

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In Sanskrit language “Vriksh” stands for “Tree” and also while practicing this pose the entire body posture seems to be tree shaped that is why it is also known as “Tree Pose”. Here we showcase steps for how to do Vrikshasana and easy ways for obtaining Vrikshasana benefits. This asana increases concentration power, balance and co-ordination of the body for practicing different asana by balancing the body on single foot.

Vrikshasana Benefits strengthen ligaments of feet, arches & leg muscles

Following are the steps for how to do Vrikshasana with perfect expertise method & scheme for obtaining its helpful benefits.

Step 1
First of all stand with both feet together and arms to the sides.

Step 2

Now bend right leg at knee and try to raise right thigh as high as possible by placing the right sole in inner side of left thigh.

Step 3

Then while balancing the body weight on left foot gradually raise both arms over the head such that palms facing to each other and avoid bending at knees.

Step 4

Retain this posture up to ten complete breaths.

Step 5

At last lower down the arms to get back to initial posture and repeat same process on other side.
Time Duration of Vrikshasana

It is suggested that one should practice this asana for minimum 10 complete breaths as long as one feel comfort and ease. Later on practicing Vrikshasana on regular basis gradually increases its time duration.

Advantages of Vrikshasana
  • Vrikshasana benefits you for strengthening spine, calves, thighs and ankles.
  • It strengthens ligaments and tendon of the feet.
  • It helps body to maintain pelvic stability.
  • Vrikshasana steps advances metaphysical level for achieving steadiness in various aspects of life.
Precautions for Vrikshasana
  • Patients suffering from ailments like low blood pressure, insomnia and headaches avoid practice of this asana.
  • One should practice this asana on soft and spongy mattress for avoiding injury in case of losing balance.
  • It is recommended that one suffering from high blood pressure avoid rising of arms over the head while practicing Tree pose.

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