Home Remedies For Angina

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Angina literally means “choking pain” or any kind of uneasiness in the chest region, leading to pain in the chest region of human body. Angina may feel like compressing, burning, tightness or clasping in your chest. However, it’s to be noted that all chest pain aren’t considered to be angina, in fact it can also result from lung complications, heartburn or panic attack, thus to be very clear whether the chest pain is angina or not, you are better advised to consult your doctor.

You may also likely to experience the pain in arms, shoulder, jaws, neck and even back. Furthermore, it can also make you feel like indigestion. Angina itself is not a disease; instead it’s an indication of some of your heart problem, which deserves your urgent attention. It’s normally a pointer of coronary artery disease (CAD), which is one of the very common heart diseases. Indeed angina is the language of heart, which is communicated to you to draw your attention towards the overstressed, overworked and the heart in desperate need for oxygen.

U.S. only has 7 million patients suffering with angina, and it’s noticed that every year 400,000 people consult doctor with fresh cases of angina, necessitating for all of us to take care of our heart, as it affects the quality of our lives. Both the sexes are equally prone to angina.

Angina can be categorized into the following three categories:

Stable Angina- The angina is very common, and occurs when the heart works harder than the normal routine. As it’s of stable nature thus has a proper pattern, hence if the person can easily identify it, he can easily forecast it’s occurrence with accuracy. It’s not a heart attack, but increases the probability of it in future.
Unstable Angina- As the name suggests, it’s of irregular pattern, and has nothing to do with the amount of work or exertion, the person is going through. It’s very alarming in nature, and can hint that heart attack will happen very soon.

Variant Angina- A very infrequent kind of angina, which occurs when the person is at rest, and ordinarily happens between midnight and early morning.

Causes and Symptoms of Angina

The commonplace cause of angina is the coronary artery disease (CAD). The coronary arteries are the arteries which supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles, through circulatory system i.e. blood. Sometimes one or more coronary artery tend to constrict and become narrower and harder, due to deposition of cholesterol or some other substances on the inner walls of arteries, enveloped with scar tissue, leading to the formation of cholesterol-rich lump called as plaque.  This condition is only called arteriosclerosis in medical terminology, which can be further augmented by smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes.

As a consequence of the narrowing and hardening of coronary artery, the free flow of blood to the heart muscles decreases, resulting in the insufficient supply of oxygen rich blood to the heart. The deficient supply of blood to the heart muscles can even lead to damaging of it. As a result of gradual growth of plaques, the blood supply to he heart muscles decreases, thereby creating pain in the chest of persons, especially during heavy physical work or exercise.

Another cause for angina is coronary artery spasm, wherein the abrupt contraction of muscle fibers surrounding the heart, cause the coronary artery to get narrower, resulting in the pain in chest i.e. angina of third type i.e. variant angina. 
The general symptoms of angina include stress, heaviness, tightening or aching of the chest, especially behind the breastbone, indigestion, heartburn, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath and weakness.

The more specific symptoms of angina as per its three varieties are enumerated below:
  • Takes place when the heart is expected to work harder, generally during physical exertion
  • Doesn’t appears as an astonishment, with the regular experience of pain
  • Normally persist for the short duration of time(5 minutes. or even lesser)
  • Relief can be derived from the medicine or rest
  • May feel like acidity or indigestion
  • May feel like chest pain, that advances to back, arms and other human body parts
The agony or distress:

Usually appears at rest, while sleeping at night or with little physical efforts
Comes about as a surprise
Is more serious as it lasts longer, as long as up to 30 minutes, as compared to stable angina
Relief can’t be ordinarily derived from the medicine or rest
May get consistently more troublesome
May indicate the occurrence of a heart attack soon

The agony or distress:
  • Generally crops up during the rest, i.e. between the night and early morning
  • Tends to be more distressing
  • Can be relieved by taking medicine
Natural Home Remedies for Angina
  • There are many remedies available for the disease, yet natural home remedies for angina are just the best, as they don’t keep you at the risk of the various side effects.
  • Incline towards the green vegetables, as they not only play a vital role in controlling angina, but also help in maintaining the over all heath.
  • The inclusion of lemon daily in the diet is one of the very simplest natural home remedy for angina, to get rid of angina. You can squeeze one lemon over salads and consume it, or intake in the form of a glass of fresh lime water. The lemon should be consumed on daily basis, as it prevents the accumulation of excess fat and cholesterol in the coronary arteries, thereby helping you to escape angina.
  • Garlic is noted for its distinguished curative features in all the kinds of heart disorders. Taking 3-4 cloves of it regularly over a period of time will definitely help you in beating the angina. Thus, you are recommended to make room for garlic in your food, regularly.
  • Holy basil leaves are further very beneficial in curing angina and is one of the wonderful natural home remedies for angina, you can either chew the fresh leaves of it in the morning or alternatively you can prepare the juice of basil leaves, as per your convenience.
  • Lemon squeezed in warm water, taken with a spoon of honey on an empty stomach, helps to cleanse the blood vessels and cuts back the accumulation of cholesterol and fat. Additionally it also helps you to overcome obesity.
  • Grapes are known for enhancing the strength of heart, and thus help you to remedying the angina pain, heart attack and increased breath.
  • Raw onion juice may sound very strange to many of you, but if taken in the morning, can bring down the level of cholesterol at once. So you can feel very relaxed for the remaining part of the day.
  • Citrus fruits, which are very rich in vitamin C are also very beneficial in controlling cholesterol level, thus you can also go for pineapple, oranges and grapes as it also constitute the very natural home remedies for angina. Parsley herb is further suited for treating angina, which can be had in the form of leaves or in the form of tea, and is sure to mesmerize your taste buds with its taste and aroma.
  • Include food rich in vitamin A and E, as it controls angina a lot, for they are yet another kind of natural home remedies for angina. You can also have beet juice in order to defeat angina.
Diet for Angina

The main motive of taking the correct diet for angina is to improve the oxygenated blood supply to the heart and enhance the energy metabolism of heart, so that its oxygen requirement gets reduced. Thus, initially you need to abstain from the cholesterol and less saturated fat containing food. To improve the energy metabolism, you are encouraged to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, mustard green and turnip green, as they are rich sources of magnesium, which can influence the rate of energy metabolism positively.

Research studies has proved that the people, who have refrained from the animal source for any kind of food whatsoever, excluding the very skim milk, eggs white and low fat yoghurt, end up in becoming less susceptible to angina. To fulfill the protein requirements of your body, eat boiled fish, skinless turkey and chicken, which are low in fat.  
Make a habit of including garlic, onion and lemon in your food regularly, on account of their beneficial features in the medication of angina. Incorporate raw nuts except pea nuts, olive oil, and pink salmon, as they contain essential fatty acids, which are required by the body. Forgo the consumption of stimulants like black tea and coffee, as they are the sources of caffeine. Additionally, abstain from tobacco, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, butter, and red meat, fried, refined and processed foods.
Source :Speedy Remedies

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