However, Prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids, protruding outside the anal sphincter, may be painful. More often than not, it has been observed that the prolapsing hemorrhoids tend to shrink back inside the lower rectum on their own. Surgical treatment may be required in severe cases.
Although this embarrassing problem can be cured with the help of a number of conventional medicines, there also exist some inexpensive and effective home remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids natural treatment.
An important tip in this regard is to avoid suppressing the need to defecate because it may result in the formation of harder feces, thereby causing straining during bowel movement.
Causes and Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
Basically, Internal Hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in the last two inches of the rectum resulting from too much pressure in the rectal area.
The condition can be caused due to chronic constipation or diarrhea, incomplete bowel movements, straining during bowel movement, cirrhosis, obesity, poor muscle tone, pregnancy and aging.
Hereditary factors also contribute in causing this problem. Internal Hemorrhoids are often confused with anal fissures, fistulae, abscesses, melanoma, colon polyps etc.
The most common symptom of Internal Hemorrhoids is the appearance of bright red blood in poop because of hard stool rubbing against the haemorrhoids. In mild cases, you may notice blood on toilet paper only.
As already mentioned the condition can cause rectal itching and discomfort but does not cause much pain because of absence of pain receptors in the rectum. Hemorrhoids are also referred to as Piles in common parlance.
Natural Home Remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids
- Sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water for about 15-20 minutes is one of the simplest and highly recommended natural home remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. Follow this therapy several times in a day.
- Warm water enema is a highly beneficial natural remedy for Internal Hemorrhoids because it serves as a bowel stimulant and helps relieve Constipation, which in turn helps reduce Internal Hemorrhoids as well. Garlic enema is helpful in reducing inflammation.
- Applying petroleum jelly in the rectal region is another beneficial home remedy for Internal Hemorrhoids as it provides lubrication. Vitamin E oil or Diaper rash creams can also be used.
- Using ice packs can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with prolapsed Internal Hemorrhoids. You can prepare an ice pack simply by wrapping some small ice cubes in a cloth. Follow this therapy for about 10-15 minutes.
- Cut a lemon into four pieces without removing the skin and put in half a liter of water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and then allow it to cool. Consuming a cup of this solution on a regular basis is one of the most valuable Internal Hemorrhoids home remedies because it is useful in strengthening capillaries and decreases pressure on the veins.
- Having herbal teas prepared from herbs like parsley, buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, horse chestnut, red grape vine leaves etc are useful in curing Internal Hemorrhoids. Red raspberry, yarrow and plantain tea can be used externally by injecting them.
- Consuming a combination of half teaspoon each of lime juice, mint juice, ginger juice and a tablespoon of honey is also beneficial in curing this problem. Regularly taking onion juice mixed with some sugar 2-3 times in a day is another effective natural cure for Internal Hemorrhoids.
- Using witch hazel compresses or creams in the rectal region is useful in decreasing bleeding. It also serves as an astringent. Use witch hazel coated wipes after bowel movement.
- Applying aloe vera gel is one of the most common natural home remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids as it helps soothe the irritation and inflammation caused by the condition.
- When dealing with Internal Hemorrhoids, it is recommended not to use scented toilet paper. If needed, use cornstarch or baby powder to absorb excess moisture. Also, opt for soft seat if you need to sit for longer durations and exercise regularly.
Diet for Internal Hemorrhoids
Apart from following the natural home remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids, adequate dietary and lifestyle changes are also beneficial in dealing with this condition. Diet should focus on the inclusion of more water and fiber rich foods like whole grains, bran, fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Regular consumption of fibrous foods helps avoid Constipation and soften the stools. Papayas, phsyllium, blue berries, cherries, prunes, pomegranates, potatoes, alfalfa, sesame seeds, buttermilk, cauliflower, lettuce, coriander juice, bitter gourd juice etc are also beneficial in healing Internal Hemorrhoids naturally.
Ensure that you are getting sufficient flavonoids through the diet because it helps in strengthening the veins and avoiding cellular damage. Foods like apples, pear and cranberries help soothe swollen anal veins and prevent further trouble. Restrict the consumption of extremely spicy foods, and carbonated and caffeinated beverages.
Source :Speedy Remedies